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3 BIG mistakes i have made starting my small business

        Things I did that you will probably do to…. But I’m here to warn you!  So starting a small business, or micro business because at the moment it’s is very small…. It’s growing ever so slowly. Imagine a snail ๐ŸŒ that’s how slowly, but here are 3 mistakes I have made so far…  1.    I thought I had researched everything I could before hand, I was wrong and you will never be able to know everything because every platform you use will be different and every time you think you have a handle on it you need to go back to good ol’ google and research more. You will never be 100% prepared until you have your own experience of it.. so always keep an open mind and don’t worry about “learning on the job”  2. YouTube… this is a big one.. don’t get me wrong some people there really know what they are talking about some of them really can help you, but mostly it won’t. There are a lot of so called gurus who seem to be absolutely smashing Etsy or shopify or “insert any platform here” but truth i

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